Les Anges De La Nuit: Darkness Looms

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2017 marks the release of the fourth album by Les Anges de la Nuit titled "Darkness Looms". In perfect harmony with "contemporary times", "Darkness looms" includes 12 new tracks infusing dark lyrical themes, high energy beats and strong powerful melodies such as "la marche vers l'infini", "cette jolie brune" and "praise the darkness". Hailing from South Florida,, this electronic band consists of Richard Abdeni and Anthony Stuart. Formed in 2003, the name and concept of "les Anges de la Nuit" defines a correlation between biblical prophecies and our present world. Their unique energetic and poignant sound lies in the multicultural influence of their roots. The band's first two albums " Ruins of Victory" and Under God's name"were released back in 2005 and 2007 on infacted recordings. After a seven year break, they released the 2014 EP " out of sight" followed by the third chapter titled "Vanity will Perish". With "Darkness Looms" les Anges de la Nuit are bound to conquer more ears and moves... get ready!

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