The Ground Beneath Her Feet

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Salman Rushdie
414 g
198x130x48 mm

Salman Rushdie is the author of fifteen previous novels, including Midnight's Children (for which he won the Booker Prize and the Best of the Booker), The Satanic Verses, and Quichotte (which was shortlisted for the Booker Prize). A former president of PEN American Center, Rushdie was knighted in 2007 for services to literature and was made a Companion of Honour in the Queen's last Birthday Honours list in 2022.
In diesem Roman, der voller Anspielungen auf Literatur, Musik und Philosophie und wilden, unendlich traurigen und aberwitzigen Geschichten ist, erzählt uns Salman Rushdie die Geschichte einer großen Liebe zwischen einem Komponisten und der Sängerin seiner Lieder. Gleichzeitig erfahren wir die Geschichte der Popmusik, und erhalten ein scharfsinniges Portät unserer modernen Gesellschaft und ihres Alltags.

'The first great rock 'n' roll novel in the English language' The Times

On Valentine's Day, 1989, Vina Apsara, a famous and much-loved singer, disappears in a devastating earthquake.

Her lover, the singer Ormus Cama, cannot accept that he has lost her, and so begins his eternal quest to find her and bring her back. His journey takes him across the globe and through cities pulsating with the power of rock 'n' roll, to Bombay, London and New York.

But around the star-crossed lover and his quest, the uncertain world itself is beginning to tremble and break. Cracks and tears are appearing in the very fabric of reality, and exposing the abyss beyond. And Ormus has to confront just how far he is willing to go for love.

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