Global Issues in Food Science and Technology

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Section 1 Contemporary Topics
1.Principles of Structured Food Emulsions: Novel Formulations and Trends
2.The Effect of Processing and the Food Matrix on Allergenicity of Foods
3.Nutrigenetic of Intestinal Absorption of Fat-Soluble Microconstituents (Vitamins A, E, D and K, Carotenoids and Phytosterols)
4.Food Security: Local and Individual Solutions to a Global Problem

Section 2 Consumer Trends
5.Sensory Science and Consumer Behavior
6.Designing Foods for Sensory Pleasure
7.The Influence of Eating Habits on Preferences Towards Innovative Food Products
8.Consumer Targeted Sensory Quality
9.How We Consume New Products? The Example of Exotic Foods (1930-2000)
10.Consumer Response to a New Food Safety Issue: Food Terrorism

Section 3 Food Safety
11.Rapid Methods and Automation in Food Microbiology: 25 Years of Development and Predictions
12.The Role of Standardization Bodies in the Harmonization of Analytical Methods in Food Microbiology
13.Harmonization and Validation of Methods in Food Safety - FOOD-PCR: A Case Study
14.Current Challenges in Molecular Diagnostics in Food Microbiology
15.Review of Currently Applied Methodologies Used for Detection and Typing of Foodborne Viruses
16.Tracing Antibiotic Resistance Along the Food Chain: Why and How?
17.Lessons Learned in Development and Application of Detection Methods for Zoonotic Foodborne Protozoa on Lettuce and Fresh Fruit
18. Antimicrobial Activity of Duck Egg Lysozyme Against Salmonella Enteritidis
19.High-Pressure Homogenization for Food Sanitization
20.Key Issues and Open Questions in GMO Controls

Section 4 Nanotechnology in Food Applications
21.Food Nanotechnology: Current Developments and Future Prospects
22.Nanotechnology and Applications in Food Safety
23.Nanotechnology for Foods: Delivery Systems
24.Nanostructured Encapsulation Systems: Food Antimicrobials
A selected compilation of writings by IUFoST organization supporters, Global Themes in Food Science and Technology were those identified as representing the most important and relevant subjects facing food scientists and technologists today. Chosen by an international editorial board, these subjects offer insights into current research and developments and were selected to stimulate additional interest and work in these key areas.

The International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) is a country-membership organization is the sole global food science and technology organization. It is a voluntary, non-profit association of national food science organizations linking the world's best food scientists and technologists. The goals of their work include the international exchange of scientific and technical information, support of international food science and technology progress, the stimulation of appropriate education and training in these areas, and the fostering of professionalism and professional organization within the food science and technology community.

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