Handbook of Water Purity and Quality

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Satinder Ahuja is a leading expert on water quality improvement. He earned his PhD in analytical chemistry from the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. He worked for Novartis Corp. in various leadership positions for over 25 years and taught as an adjunct professor at Pace University for over 10 years. As president of Ahuja Consulting, he advises on water quality issues relating to chemicals and pharmaceuticals. A member of the executive committee of the Rivers of the World Foundation (ROW), Dr. Ahuja has organized numerous global symposia on improving water quality, including presentations for the American Chemical Society and UNESCO. Dr. Ahuja has published numerous papers and more than 25 books. His latest books are Contaminants in Our Water (ACS, 2020); Evaluating Water Quality to Prevent Future Disasters (Elsevier, 2019); Advances in Water Purification Techniques (Elsevier, 2019); and Chemistry and Water (Elsevier, 2017).
1. Overview
2. Delineation of a Major Problem of Arsenic-contaminated Groundwater
3. Water Quality Issues in Eastern Africa
4. Effect of Human Development on Water Quality
5. Sampling and Analysis of Arsenic in Groundwater in West Bengal-India and Bangladesh
6. Forensic Water Quality Investigations: Identifying Pollution Sources and Polluters
7. Regulatory Considerations to Ensure Clean and Safe Drinking Water
8. Microbiological Threats to Water Quality
9. Monitoring Inorganic Compounds
10. Radionuclides in Surface Water and Groundwater
11. Volatile and Semivolatile Contaminants
12. Monitoring Disinfectants, Marhaba Taha
13. Review of Reconnaissance Studies of Selected Herbicides and Their Degradation Products in Water
14. Monitoring of Pharmaceutical Residues in Sewage Effluents
15. Monitoring Terrorist-related Contamination
16. Groundwater Arsenic Removal Technologies Based on Sorbents: Field Applications and Sustainability
This work provides those involved in water purification research and administration with a comprehensive resource of methods for analyzing water to assure its safety from contaminants, both natural and human caused. The book first provides an overview of major water-related issues in developing and developed countries, followed by a review of issues of sampling for water analysis, regulatory considerations and forensics in water quality and purity investigations. The subsequent chapters cover microbial as well chemical contaminations from inorganic compounds, radionuclides, volatile and semi-volatile compounds, disinfectants, herbicides, and pharmaceuticals, including endocrine disruptors, as well as potential terrorist-related contamination. The last chapter describes the Grainger prize-winning filter that can remove arsenic from water sources and sufficiently protect the health of a large number of people.

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