The Mouse Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, Compact

The Coronal Plates and Diagrams
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577 g
277x220x20 mm

Dr. Franklin is Professor Emeritus at McGill University in the Department of Psychology. He is interested in neural mechanisms of motivation, particularly the role of specific neurotransmitter systems. His research uses pharmacological and molecular biological methods to study the role of monoamines, opiate peptides and neurosteroids in pain, memory and drug dependence.Professor George Paxinos, AO (BA, MA, PhD, DSc) completed his BA at The University of California at Berkeley, his PhD at McGill University, and spent a postdoctoral year at Yale University. He is the author of almost 50 books on the structure of the brain of humans and experimental animals, including The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, now in its 7th Edition, which is ranked by Thomson ISI as one of the 50 most cited items in the Web of Science. Dr. Paxinos paved the way for future neuroscience research by being the first to produce a three-dimensional (stereotaxic) framework for placement of electrodes and injections in the brain of experimental animals, which is now used as an international standard. He was a member of the first International Consortium for Brain Mapping, a UCLA based consortium that received the top ranking and was funded by the NIMH led Human Brain Project. Dr. Paxinos has been honored with more than nine distinguished awards throughout his years of research, including: The Warner Brown Memorial Prize (University of California at Berkeley, 1968), The Walter Burfitt Prize (1992), The Award for Excellence in Publishing in Medical Science (Assoc Amer Publishers, 1999), The Ramaciotti Medal for Excellence in Biomedical Research (2001), The Alexander von Humbolt Foundation Prize (Germany 2004), and more.
1. Introduction with student's guide on how to do stereotaxic surgery and how to use stereotaxic atlases
2. Introduction to the concept of neuromeres and brain development
3. Overview of the brain for students, including three sagittal, five coronal, and two horizontal simplified diagrams, as well as surface diagrams of the brain
4. Nomenclature ontology tree
5. 100 coronal diagrams and corresponding photgraphic plates
The Mouse Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates is the most widely used and cited atlas of the mouse brain in print. It provides researchers and students with both accurate stereotaxic coordinates for laboratory use, and detailed delineations and indexing of structures for reference. The Compact 3rd edition is both a major revision and an expansion of previous compact editions. The 100 high resolution digital photographs of the coronal plane of section from the third full edition now complement the coronal drawings. The photographs of the sections and the intermediate sections are also provided on the accompanying CD. In addition, the compact version has a large introduction on stereotaxic surgery and the use of the atlas in the lab, as well as a number of panoramic simplified diagrams for student instruction. The Compact 3rd edition is in 8.5 x 11 format and is spiral bound suitable for positioning next to microscopes and cryotomes.

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