Obesity Prevention

The Role of Brain and Society on Individual Behavior
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Approaches to obesity prevention and treatment have gone from focusing on genetic and other biological factors to exploring a diversity of diets and individual behavior modification interventions, to the recent shift focusing on societal interventions to design "temptation-proof" environments. In spite of repeated calls to action, the pandemic continues to progress. Most importantly, in large part due to the problems of obesity, today's children may be the first generation ever to have a shorter life expectancy than that of their parents. This work presents the most current research and proposals for addressing the pandemic. Today's research indicates that a strongly integrated program is the best prospect for success in overcoming the obesity problem. Furthermore, focus on the role of society in establishing an affordable, accessible and sustainable program for implementing these lifestyle changes is vital, particularly for those in economically challenged situations, who are ultimately at the highest risk for obesity.
Introduction and Handbook Overview: A Brain-to-Society Model of Choice and a Whole-of-Society Approach to Obesity Prevention; Part 1: From Brain to Behavior; A. Energy is Delight: Sensory and Reward Systems; B. Executive Control Systems and the Challenges They Face in the Modern World of Plenty; C. Biological Systems that Favor a Positive Energy Balance and Body Weight Increase in a World of Plently; D. Integrative and Multi-Level Models of Eating and of Energy and Body Weight Regulation; E. Individual-Level Interventions to Tap into Appropriate Brain Systems for Sustainable Behavioral Change; Part 2: From Society to Behavior: Policy and Action; A. Economy as a Core Society System Shaping Policy and Action that Determine Behavior; B. Needs and Challenges in Policy and Action to Prevent Obesity; C. Policy and Action to Shift the Drivers of Food Supply and Demand of Agriculture and the Agri-Food Value Chains in a Healthy Direction; D. Policy and Action for Creating Families, Schools, Communities and Social Networks that Support Individual Healthy Choice; E. Challenges and Possibilities for Policy and Action in Reducing the Social and Economic Growth in Health, Lifestyle and Obesity; F. Challenges and Possibilities for Broad Systems Approach to Policy and Action; Conclusion: Ways Forward for a Whole-of-Society Approach to Obesity Prevention: Promoting a Healthy, Pleasurable Lifestyle that is Biologically, Culturally, Economically and Environmentally Sustainable

Over the years, approaches to obesity prevention and treatment have gone from focusing on genetic and other biological factors to exploring a diversity of diets and individual behavior modification interventions anchored primarily in the power of the mind, to the recent shift focusing on societal interventions to design "temptation-proof" physical, social, and economic environments. In spite of repeated calls to action, including those of the World Health Organization (WHO), the pandemic continues to progress. WHO recently projected that if the current lifestyle trend in young and adult populations around the world persist, by 2012 in countries like the USA, health care costs may amount to as much as 17.7% of the GDP. Most importantly, in large part due to the problems of obesity, those children may be the first generation ever to have a shorter life expectancy than that of their parents.

Obesity Prevention presents the most current research and proposals for addressing the pandemic. Past studies have focused primarly on either genetic or behavioral causes for obesity, however today's research indicates that a strongly integrated program is the best prospect for success in overcoming obesity. Furthermore, focus on the role of society in establishing an affordable, accessible and sustainable program for implementing these lifestyle changes is vital, particularly for those in economically challenged situations, who are ultimately at the highest risk for obesity.

Using studies from both neuroscience and behavioral science to present a comprehensive overview of the challenges and possible solutions, The brain-to-society approach to obesity prevention focuses on what is needed in order to sustain a healthy, pleasurable and affordable lifestyle.

  • Explores the "brain-to-society" approach to obesity prevention, focusing on an integrative approach to addressing the obesity pandemic
  • Presents both the nueroscientific and the behavioral factors that impact eating habits
  • Identifies the challenges and suggests solutions for altering attitudes toward food on both an individual and a societal level

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