Introduction to Quantitative EEG and Neurofeedback

Advanced Theory and Applications
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Helen Kogan Budzynski worked in the Department of Psychosocial and Community Health at the University of Washington School of Nursing, Seattle, WA, United States.Dr. James Evans is licensed in clinical and school psychology. Following graduation with a bachelor's degree in education, and a tour of duty in the U.S. Army, he taught in a public high school. Later he earned a master's degree in psychology. After working for six years at a state hospital and a county mental health center, he attended Peabody College of Vanderbilt University where he received a Ph.D. degree in psychology. He was on the faculty of the Psychology Department at the University of South Carolina for thirty years, and is retired from that position. He has completed postdoctoral work in neuropsychology at the University of California at San Francisco, the University of Georgia and the Medical College of Georgia. For over thirty years he also has maintained a successful private practice involving working with children and adults in hospital, school, prison, and private office settings. He has expertise in psychological, neuropsychological and psychoeducational assessment, as well as years of experience in psychotherapy and neurotherapy. He is the author of thirty-five journal articles and nine book chapters, and editor or co-editor of ten psychology-related books, including Rhythmic Stimulation Procedures for Neuromodulation (2017) and Neurofeedback: The First Fifty Years ( 2019). Presently he is self-employed as a psychologist at the Sterlingworth Center in Greenville, SC.

Section I: An Overview 1. Neurofeedback: The Frequency Domain Route to Health

Section II: Advancements in QEEG and Related Neurofeedback Practices 2. Advanced Practice of Neurofeedback using Quantitative EEG 3. Recent Advances in Quantitative EEG 4. Diagnosing and Treating Brain Dysfunctioning through the use of the LORETA 5. QEEG and Traumatic Brain Injuries 6. Neurofeedback Training Utilizing Real Time Z-Scores

Section III: Alternative/Supplementary EEG Treatment Approaches to Neurofeedback 7. Supplementing Neurofeedback with Audio-visual Entrainment/Disentrainment 8. Neurotherapy in the Multimodality Intervention: Creating a Treatment Tree for Severe Cases 9. "Brain Music" Treatment: A Brain/EEG/Music Interface 10. Hemoencephalography: Lighting Up Your Brain

Section IV: Recent Clinical Applications of Neurofeedback to Specific Disorders 11. Neurofeedback for Treatment of Depression: Current Status of Theoretical Issues and Clinical Research 12. Treatment of Attention Deficit Spectrum Disorders 13. Aspberger's Syndrome Intervention: Combining Neurofeedback, Biofeedback and Metacognition 14. Reactive Attachment Disorder Treatment 15. Understanding and Treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: The EEG Perspective 16. Neurofeedback in Pain Treatment 17. Neurofeedback with Anxiety/Panic Disorders 18. Neurofeedback in Alcohol and Drug Dependence

Section V: Ethical/Legal Issues 19. Ethical/Legal Issues in Neurofeedback

The study of Quantitative EEGs and Neurofeedback offer a window into brain physiology and function via computer and statistical analyses, suggesting innovative approaches to the improvement of attention, anxiety, mood and behavior. Resources for understanding what QEEG and Neurofeedback is, how they are used, and to what disorders and patients they can be applied are scarce, and this volume serves as an ideal tool for clinical researchers and practicing clinicians, providing a broad overview of the most interesting topics relating to the techniques. The revised coverage of advancements, new applications (e.g. Aspberger's, music therapy, LORETA, etc.), and combinations of prior approaches make the second edition a necessary companion to the first. The top scholars in the field have been enlisted and contributions will offer both the breadth needed for an introductory scholar and the depth desired by a clinical professional.

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