Fluorescence Spectroscopy

Volume 450
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781 g
235x159x27 mm

Direct quantitation of Mg2+ - RNA interactions use of a fluorescent dye
Dan Grilley, Ana Maria Soto, and David E. Draper

A Method in Enzymology for Measuring Intracellular Protease Activities in Live Cells
Beverly Z. Packard and Akira Komoriya

Using Fluorophore-labeled Oligonucleotides to Measure Affinities of Protein-DNA Interactions
Brian J. Anderson and Joel F. Schildbach

Site-Selective Red-Edge Effects
Alexander P. Demchenko

Multiparametric Probing of Microenvironment with Solvatochromic Fluorescent Dyes Andrey S. Klymchenko and Alexander Demchenko

Pteridine Probes for Nucleic Acid Analysis
Mary E. Hawkins

Application of Single Molecule Spectroscopy in Studying Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanism Jue Shi, Ari Gafni, and Duncan Steel

Fluorescence Approaches in Quantifying Bio-Molecular Interactions
Catherine A. Royer and Suzanne

Applications of Up-Conversion Methods in Studies of Proteins and Peptides
Jay Knutson

Spectroscopic Studies of Molecular Solvent Relaxation
Mark Maroncelli

Single Molecule Fluorescence Studies of the Dynamics of Gene Regulation
Jie Xiao

New Fluorescence Methods for Studies of Muscle Proteins
Robert E. Dale

Fluorescence Probes for Analysis of Membrane Proteins
Amitabha Chattopadhyay

Fluorescence Methods for Protein-Protein interaction in Membranes
Kalina Hristova

Fluorescence Detection of Specific Ions
Bernard Valeur

Measuring Picomolar Intracellular Exchangable Zn in PC-12 Cells using a Ratiometric Fluorescence Biosensor
R.A. Bozym

Monitoring Free Zinc in the Mitochondrion
Richard B Thompson, et al

Metal-enhanced fluorescence: An emerging tool in biotechnology
Chris D. Geddes, et al

Radiative Decay Engineering, Surface Plasmon-Coupled Directional Emission
Joseph R Lakowicz, et al

Time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy and the measurement of protein conformational flexibility
David A. Johnson (University of California Riverside)

Tranes and other new Analysis Procedures in wavelength resolved fluorescence.
Pariasamy (Mumbay)

From Quantum Theory to Molecular Fluorescence.
D. Toptygin

Probing Protein Electrostatics with Synthetic amino acids.
Bruce Cohen (UCSF)

Analysis of Complex Fluorescence Anisotropy Decay
William Laws, Montana

Studies of Segmental Protein Dynamics with Time and Energy ? Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy
D. Toptygin and L. Brand

Complex Fluorescence Decay of Trytophan in Proteins.
Mary D. Barkley
Fluorescence spectroscopy is a type of electromagnetic spectroscopy, using a beam of light, which analyzes fluorescence from a sample. Given its extremely high sensitivity and selectivity, it is an important investigational tool in many areas including material sciences, analytical sciences, and across a broad range of chemical, biochemical and medical research. It has become an essential investigational technique allowing detailed, real-time observation of the structure and dynamics of intact biological systems. The pharmaceutical industry uses it heavily and it has become a dominating technique in biochemistry and molecular genetics.

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