Trading and Money Management in a Student-Managed Portfolio

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Mr. Brian R. Bruce has been the President, Chief Executive Officer, and Director of Hillcrest Asset Management, LLC since 2008 and has been its Chief Investment Officer since October 2007. Mr. Bruce served as a Director of Encap Investment & LCM Group Alternative Asset Management Center at Southern Methodist University from 2006 to 2010. He is a member of the Illinois State University College of Business Hall of Fame and a Visiting Professor of Investments at Baylor University. He was a Professor at Southern Methodist University's Cox Business School. Mr. Bruce is winner of the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business CEO Award and is Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Behavioral Finance. He received an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago, an M.S. in Computer Science from DePaul University and a B.S. in Business Administration from Illinois State University.
This is the first textbook for classes associated with student-managed investment funds (SMIFs). This growing, unserved market has previously relied on information provided by professors, a tactic that demands that professors master a range of diverse subjects. This can leave students with few or no information sources that address their questions regarding applied rather than theoretical subjects. This book focuses on "how-to" questions, distinguishing it from books on just portfolio theory and portfolio management. It offers much-needed solutions to workflow problems encountered by both professors and students. It is a textbook that delivers immediate answers to a wide audience.

Chapter 1: Investment Philosophy and Process

Chapter 2: Organization

Chapter 3: Security Selection

Chapter 4: Portfolio Construction

Chapter 5: Presentations

Chapter 6: Performance Evaluation and Reporting

Chapter 7: Tools

Chapter 8: Student Forums, Symposiums, and Competitions

Chapter 9: Student-Managed Funds: Present and Future


Trading and Money Management in a Student-Managed Portfolio is a hands-on textbook for student-managed investment funds (SMIFs). The book presents the applied material that textbooks on portfolios and investments always overlook. Its focus on "how-to" questions summarizes the disciplines and skills necessary for trading. Covering equities, hedge funds and derivatives, and fixed income, it captures the breadth and detail necessary for developing and executing trading strategies.

Developed specifically for SMIF courses, the book features calculations, examples, and software that help you move from talking about markets to taking positions in them.

  • Methodically summarizes the disciplines and skills necessary for trading
  • Teaches you to build a ranking model for securities and write a research report for a sell-side firm
  • Covers equities, fixed income, derivatives, and hedge funds

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