Textbook of Veterinary Physiological Chemistry

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2187 g
277x217x35 mm

Larry Engelking holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in biology from Idaho State University, and a Ph.D. degree in physiology from Kansas State University. He has held post-doctoral research positions at the University of Florida Veterinary School and the University of Alabama Medical School, teaching positions at Harvard University, and professorial positions at Tufts University. With over 35 years of teaching and research experience, Dr. Engelking is an expert in the fields of biochemistry and physiology.

Section I: Amino Acid and Protein MetabolismSection II: Nucleotide and Nucleic Acid MetabolismSection III: Carbohydrate and Heme MetabolismSection IV: Vitamins and Trace ElementsSection V: Lipid MetabolismSection VI: Intermediary MetabolismSection VII: Acid-Base BalanceAppendix, References, Index

Bridging the gap between basic and clinical science concepts, the Textbook of Veterinary Physiological Chemistry, Third Edition offers broad coverage of biochemical principles for students and practitioners of veterinary medicine. The only recent biochemistry book written specifically for the veterinary field, this text covers cellular-level concepts related to whole-body physiologic processes in a reader-friendly, approachable manner. Each chapter is written in a succinct and concise style that includes an overview summary section, numerous illustrations for best comprehension of the subject matter, targeted learning objectives, and end of the chapter study questions to assess understanding.

With new illustrations and an instructor website with updated PowerPoint images, the Textbook of Veterinary Physiological Chemistry, Third Edition, proves useful to students and lecturers from diverse educational backgrounds. Sectional exams and case studies, new to this edition, extend the breadth and depth of learning resources.

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