Advances in Agronomy

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Sparks, Donald L.

Donald L. Sparks is the S. Hallock du Pont Chair in Soil and Environmental Chemistry, Francis Alison Professor and Director of the Delaware Environmental Institute at the University of Delaware. He is internationally recognized for his landmark research on the kinetics and mechanisms of metal/oxyanion/nutrient reactions at biogeochemical interfaces. His pioneering studies on kinetic processes in soils and minerals include the development of widely used and novel kinetic methods, elucidation of rate-limiting steps and mechanisms over a range of spatial and temporal scales, and coupling of real-time kinetic studies with in-situ molecular scale investigations. His discoveries on the speciation, formation rates and stability mechanisms of metal hydroxide surface precipitates, and their role in the retention and bioavailability of toxic metals in the terrestrial environment, have received worldwide attention. This research has led to more effective soil remediation strategies and predictive models.

He is the author or coauthor of 286 publications. These include: 11 edited books, 53 book chapters, and 219 refereed papers. He is the author of two widely adopted textbooks, Kinetics of Soil Chemical Processes and Environmental Soil Chemistry (two editions) published by Academic Press. Dr. Sparks is an ISI Highly Cited Researcher; his research has been cited more than 8380 times and his h-index is 53 (Web of Science). Dr. Sparks has served as editor of Advances in Agronomy since 1991, having edited 77 volumes. He has given over 200 invited presentations at scientific conferences throughout the world, and been a lecturer at 98 universities and institutes in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

He has received numerous honors and awards including Fellow of five scientific societies, national and international research awards, distinguished fellowships and lectureships, and teaching and mentoring awards. He has advised 90 graduate students and postdoctoral researchers and been the recipient of more than $50 million in research funding. He served as President of both the Soil Science Society of America and the International Union of Soil Sciences.

  1. How Much Nutritional Iron Deficiency in Humans Globally is Due to an Underlying Zinc Deficiency?
  2. R. D. Graham, M. Knez, and R. M. Welch

  3. The Effects of Climate Change on the Mobilization of Diffuse Substances from Agricultural Systems
  4. C. J. A. Macleod, P. D. Falloon, R. Evans, and P. M. Haygarth

  5. Greenhouse Gas Mitigation with Agricultural Land Management Activities in the United States - A Side-by-side Comparison of Biophysical Potential
  6. A. J. Eagle and L. P. Olander

  7. The Role of Abiotic and Coupled Biotic/Abiotic Mineral Controlled Redox Processes in Nitrate Reduction
  8. C. J. Matocha, P. Dhakal, and S. M. Pyzola

  9. A Critical Review of the Influence of Wastewater Irrigation on the Transformation and Bioavailability of Heavy Metal(loid)s in Soil
  10. A. Kunhikrishnan, S. Laurenson, N. S. Bolan, K. Mueller, R. Naidu and Won-Il Kim

  11. Development and Rapid Adoption of Submergence-Tolerant (Sub1) Rice Varieties D. J. Mackill, A. M. Ismail, U. S. Singh, R. V. Labios, and T. R. Paris
Advances in Agronomy continues to be recognized as a leading reference and a first-rate source for the latest research in agronomy. As always, the subjects covered are varied and exemplary of the myriad of subject matter dealt with by this long-running serial.

  • Maintains the highest impact factor among serial publications in agriculture
  • Presents timely reviews on important agronomy issues
  • Enjoys a long-standing reputation for excellence in the field

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