Social Anxiety

Clinical, Developmental, and Social Perspectives
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Stefan G. Hofmann is a Professor of Psychology and Director of the Psychotherapy and Emotion Research Laboratory at Boston University. Dr. Hofmann has served as President of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies and the International Association for Cognitive Psychotherapy. His research focuses on the mechanism of treatment change, translating discoveries from neuroscience into clinical applications, emotions, and cultural expressions of psychopathology.

Part I - Delineation of Social Anxiety

Chapter 1 - Conceptualizing and Describing Social Anxiety and Its Disorders

Daniel W. McNeil and Cameron L. Randall

Chapter 2 - Avoidant Personality Disorder and its Relationship to Social Anxiety Disorder

James Reich

Chapter 3 - Assessment of Social Anxiety and its Clinical Expressions

James D. Herbert, Lynn L. Brandsma and Laura Fischer

Chapter 4 - Shyness, Social Anxiety, and Social Phobia

Lynne Henderson, Paul Gilbert and Philip Zimbardo

Chapter 5 - Embarrassment and Social Anxiety Disorder: Fraternal Twins of Distant Cousins?

Rowland S. Miller

Chapter 6 - Social Anxiety and Social Anxiety Disorder Across Cultures

Keila C. Brockveld, Sarah J. Perini and Ronald M. Rapee

Chapter 7 - Perfectionism and Perfectionistic Self-Presentation in Social Anxiety

Gordon L. Flett and Paul L. Hewitt

Chapter 8 - Social Phobia as a Deficit in Social Skills

Ariel Stravynski, Angela Kyparissis and Danielle Amado

Chapter 9 - Social Anxiety Disorder and its Relation to Clinical Syndromes in Adulthood

Amy Wenzel and Shari Jager-Hyman

Chapter 10 - Social Anxiety in Children and Adolescents: Biological, Developmental, and Social Considerations

Michael F. Detweiler, Jonathan S. Comer, Kathleen I. Crum and Anne Marie Albano

Chapter 11 - Prevention and Early Intervention of Social Anxiety Disorder

Paula Barrett and Marita Cooper

Part II - Theoretical Perspectives

Chapter 12 - Neuroendocrinology and Neuroimaging Studies of Social Anxiety Disorder

K. Luan Phan and Heide Klumpp

Chapter 13 - Temperamental Contributions to the Development of Psychological Profiles: I. Basic Issues

Jerome Kagan

Chapter 14 - Temperamental Contributions to the Development of Psychological Profiles: II. Two Candidates

Chapter 15 - Mechanisms of Learning and Behavior Change in Social Anxiety Disorder

Daniel W. McNeil, Cameron L. Randall, C. W. Lejuez, and John T. Sorrell

Chapter 16 - Cognitive Biases in Social Anxiety Disorder

Jennie M. Kuckertz and Nader Amir

Chapter 17 - Emotion Regulation in Social Anxiety Disorder

Philippe R. Goldin, Hooria Jazaieri and James J. Gross

Chapter 18 - Social Anxiety and the Self

Lynn E. Alden, Karen W. Auyeung and Leili Plasencia

Chapter 19 - Positivity Deficits in Social Anxiety: Emotions, Events, and Cognitions

Antonina S. Farmer, Todd B. Kashdan and Justin W. Weeks

Chapter 20 - Social Anxiety as an Early Warning Sysztem: A Refinement and Extension of the Self-Presentation Theory of Social Anxiety

Mark R. Leary and Katrina P. Jongman-Sereno

Chapter 21 - Evolutionary Perspective on Social Anxiety

Eva Gilboa-Schechtman, Iris Shachar and Liat Helpman

Part III - Treatment Approaches

Chapter 22 - Psychopharmacology for Social Anxiety Disorder

Carlos Blanco, Laura Bragdon, Franklin R. Schneier and Michael R. Liebowitz

Chapter 23 - Treatment of Adult Social Anxiety Disorder: A Treatments-by-Dimensions Review

Kristin N. Anderson and Debra A. Hope

Chapter 24 - A Cognitive-Behavioral Model of Social Anxiety Disorder

Richard G. Heimberg, Faith A. Brozovich and Ronaldl M. Rapee

Chapter 25 - Mindfulness-Based Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder

Bram Van Bockstaele and Susan M. Bogels

Chapter 26 - A Comparison Between Psychosocial and Pharmacological Treatments

Mark B. Powers, Brooke Y. Kauffman, Allison Diamond and Jasper A. J. Smits

Chapter 27 - Mechanisms of Action in the Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder

Michael W. Otto, Steven A. Safren and Bridget A. Hearon

The third edition of Social Anxiety: Clinical, Developmental, and Social Perspectives integrates examinations of social anxiety, shyness, and embarrassment with the research on social anxiety disorder subtypes, biological theories and cognitive-behavioral or pharmacological treatment outcome studies.Clinicians, social and developmental psychologists and behavioral geneticists have all conducted research over the past ten years which is essential to furthering our understanding and treatment of social anxiety disorders. This book weaves together research findings gathered by renowned minds across these various disciplines, and deals with both theory and research. It explores what constitutes social anxiety, assesses the condition and its relationship to other psychological disorders, exploring the biological basis and treatment approaches as well. Coverage includes key issues not discussed fully by other books, including related disorders in adults and children, relationship to social competence and assertiveness, perfectionism, social skills deficit hypothesis, comparison between pharmacological and psychosocial treatments, and potential mediators of change in the treatment of social anxiety disorder.From the Author: Although social anxiety disorder (social phobia) is widely researched topic in psychiatry, other disciplines, such as social and developmental psychology, have independently been studying the same phenomena for many years. Yet, there has been very little cross-discipline communication and integration. The main objective of the book is to integrate the findings on social anxiety from various disciplines, including clinical psychology, psychiatry, social psychology, neuroscience, and developmental psychology.

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