Fluid Dynamics of Oil Production
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Fluid Dynamics of Oil Production

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Valentin Monakhov
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Fluid Dynamics of Oil Production is the perfect guide for understanding and building more accurate oil production models. It is dedicated to the theoretical and numerical study of fluid dynamic models, and much attention is paid to the analysis of the results of the hydrodynamic calculations based on these models and their use in the predictive estimates of the regulatory process of oil production. Other items include:- A careful description of over 30 different mathematical models of oil formations- Unconventional scenarios, such as models describing the process of foaming in oil formations and the combination of reservoir flow with liquid flow in wells. - Coverage of more complex and multi-dimensional models, including oil filtration results and methods- Create reliable models that confidently show the reservoirs flow patterns- Learn about 30 different mathematical models of oil formations- Understand unconventional as well as complex and multi-dimensional models, applicable for today's reservoirs- Contains several models developed by the authors
Fluid Dynamics of Oil Production is the perfect guide for understanding and building more accurate oil production models. It is dedicated to the theoretical and numerical study of fluid dynamic models, and much attention is paid to the analysis of the results of the hydrodynamic calculations based on these models and their use in the predictive estimates of the regulatory process of oil production. Other items include:- A careful description of over 30 different mathematical models of oil formations- Unconventional scenarios, such as models describing the process of foaming in oil formations and the combination of reservoir flow with liquid flow in wells. - Coverage of more complex and multi-dimensional models, including oil filtration results and methods- Create reliable models that confidently show the reservoirs flow patterns- Learn about 30 different mathematical models of oil formations- Understand unconventional as well as complex and multi-dimensional models, applicable for today's reservoirs- Contains several models developed by the authors

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