Six Lectures on Harmony
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Six Lectures on Harmony

Delivered at the Royal Institute of Great Britain, Before Easter, 1867
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
G. A. Macfarren
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. H E that hears music without the ability to dis criminate its constituents, resembles one who witnesses a dramatic performance in an unknown foreign language, who may be charmed by the gestures and the elocution of the actors, and even interested in the course of the action, but, understanding not the words that are spoken, must be dead to the poetry of the work. The purpose of these Lectures is to stimulate such persons, if may be, to investigate the elements of a work of musical art, as a means of quickening their perception of its beauties.
H E that hears music without the ability to dis criminate its constituents, resembles one who witnesses a dramatic performance in an unknown foreign language, who may be charmed by the gestures and the elocution of the actors, and even interested in the course of the action, but, understanding not the words that are spoken, must be dead to the poetry of the work. The purpose of these Lectures is to stimulate such persons, if may be, to investigate the elements of a work of musical art, as a means of quickening their perception of its beauties.

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