Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. The design Of those concerned in the preparation Of the baptist hymnal, has been to furnish the churches a book which shall aid in the worship of God, and so make the service Of His house more attractive and delightful. They have sought both in the selection Of Hymns, and in the choice and adaptation of music, to secure to God's people the best possible expression Of the praises, pleadings, and aspirations Of their hearts. By restricting the number of hymns to those which are believed to be all that are necessary, space has been found for a most liberal provision in music. A definite plan has controlled the selection, viz.
The design Of those concerned in the preparation Of the baptist hymnal, has been to furnish the churches a book which shall aid in the worship of God, and so make the service Of His house more attractive and delightful. They have sought both in the selection Of Hymns, and in the choice and adaptation of music, to secure to God's people the best possible expression Of the praises, pleadings, and aspirations Of their hearts. By restricting the number of hymns to those which are believed to be all that are necessary, space has been found for a most liberal provision in music. A definite plan has controlled the selection, viz.