Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. The original Bestiary (generally called the Physiologus) was produced in a. Far less scientific age than ours. No one knows who wrote the Physiologus and there is no clue to be traced from the title, which simply means The Naturalist. But owing to its doctrinal and linguistic peculiarities it has been assigned to an Alexandrine source.
The original Bestiary (generally called the Physiologus) was produced in a. Far less scientific age than ours. No one knows who wrote the Physiologus and there is no clue to be traced from the title, which simply means The Naturalist. But owing to its doctrinal and linguistic peculiarities it has been assigned to an Alexandrine source.