Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. The clear and full exhibition of truly reformed cbri/iianity feems now to be almoll: the only thing that is wanting to the uni verl'al prevalence of it. But (0 long as all the chril'tianity that is known to Heathens, Mahometans, and Jews, is of a corrupted and debafed Klnd and particularly while the profefiion of it is (0 much conneeted with worldly intere/i, it is no wonder that man kind in general refufe to admit it, and that they can even hardly be prevailed upon to give any attention to the evidence that is alleged in its favour. Whereas, when the fyltem itfelf {hall appear to be lefs liable to objeetion, it is to be hoped, that they may be brought to give proper attention to it.
The clear and full exhibition of truly reformed cbri/iianity feems now to be almoll: the only thing that is wanting to the uni verl'al prevalence of it. But (0 long as all the chril'tianity that is known to Heathens, Mahometans, and Jews, is of a corrupted and debafed Klnd and particularly while the profefiion of it is (0 much conneéted with worldly intere/i, it is no wonder that man kind in general refufe to admit it, and that they can even hardly be prevailed upon to give any attention to the evidence that is alleged in its favour. Whereas, when the fyltem itfelf {hall appear to be lefs liable to objeétion, it is to be hoped, that they may be brought to give proper attention to it.