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Applied Strategic Marketing

A Step by Step Approach
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This book, originally published in Dutch, provides a uniquely practical approach to strategic marketing planning. Combining a comprehensive overview of theory with practice, each chapter takes the reader step by step through the strategic marketing process. Beginning with identifying the value proposition, it moves on to the situational analysis that underpins the corporate strategy, and finally details the overall implementation and creation of a customer and brand values. Applied Strategic Marketing equips the reader with the necessary tools and techniques to develop and deliver a thorough and effective marketing strategy.With a broad range of international case studies that bring the theory to life, this well-renowned and updated translation is vital reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students of marketing management and strategic marketing. It should also be of interest to marketing practitioners who want a clear overview to aid them in the planning process.
This book, originally published in Dutch, provides a uniquely practical approach to strategic marketing planning. Combining a comprehensive overview of theory with practice, each chapter takes the reader step by step through the strategic marketing process. Beginning with identifying the value proposition, it moves on to the situational analysis that underpins the corporate strategy, and finally details the overall implementation and creation of a customer and brand values. Applied Strategic Marketing equips the reader with the necessary tools and techniques to develop and deliver a thorough and effective marketing strategy.With a broad range of international case studies that bring the theory to life, this well-renowned and updated translation is vital reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students of marketing management and strategic marketing. It should also be of interest to marketing practitioners who want a clear overview to aid them in the planning process.

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