Why Don’t I Feel Good Enough?
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Why Don’t I Feel Good Enough?

Using Attachment Theory to Find a Solution
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Helen Dent
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Why Don't I Feel Good Enough? Using Attachment Theory to Find a Solution offers a guide to how early emotional bonds affect our adult relationships and how psychological theory can help us to find the origin and solution to a number of life's problems.Bringing a wealth of therapeutic experience and the latest scientific research, Helen Dent introduces the benefits that understanding attachment theory can bring to all areas of life. You will find this particularly helpful if you struggle with everyday relationships and have difficulties managing your emotions. Using practical guidance, real-life examples and questionnaires to help you locate your own 'attachment style', she provides the tools and guidance to help you move on and develop secure, positive attachments. Why Don't I Feel Good Enough? will be an important guide and resource for psychotherapists, counsellors, clinical psychologists and their clients. It provides a good introduction to attachment theory for professionals in training.
Why Don't I Feel Good Enough? Using Attachment Theory to Find a Solution offers a guide to how early emotional bonds affect our adult relationships and how psychological theory can help us to find the origin and solution to a number of life's problems.Bringing a wealth of therapeutic experience and the latest scientific research, Helen Dent introduces the benefits that understanding attachment theory can bring to all areas of life. You will find this particularly helpful if you struggle with everyday relationships and have difficulties managing your emotions. Using practical guidance, real-life examples and questionnaires to help you locate your own 'attachment style', she provides the tools and guidance to help you move on and develop secure, positive attachments. Why Don't I Feel Good Enough? will be an important guide and resource for psychotherapists, counsellors, clinical psychologists and their clients. It provides a good introduction to attachment theory for professionals in training.

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