Pension Reform in Latin America
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Pension Reform in Latin America

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Armando Barrientos
Routledge Revivals
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

First published in 1998, this volume initially focused on Chilean pension reform, on which the author has published elsewhere, before moving onto Latin America more widely, with coverage extending from 1990 to the reform in Costa Rica and the Mexican pension reform in 1997. It emerged in the wake of reforms including in Peru (1993), Argentina and Colombia (1994) and Uruguay (1996). Particular focus is given to the new individual capitalization pension plans, along with arguments on the ignoring of pension schemes and its consequences, the connection of pension schemes to the labour market and the impact of pension schemes on the least advantaged. The Chilean model in particular has received praise from the IMF and the World Bank and these Latin American pension reforms will be of interest as a paradigm for other countries.
First published in 1998, this volume initially focused on Chilean pension reform, on which the author has published elsewhere, before moving onto Latin America more widely, with coverage extending from 1990 to the reform in Costa Rica and the Mexican pension reform in 1997. It emerged in the wake of reforms including in Peru (1993), Argentina and Colombia (1994) and Uruguay (1996). Particular focus is given to the new individual capitalization pension plans, along with arguments on the ignoring of pension schemes and its consequences, the connection of pension schemes to the labour market and the impact of pension schemes on the least advantaged. The Chilean model in particular has received praise from the IMF and the World Bank and these Latin American pension reforms will be of interest as a paradigm for other countries.

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