Managing Library Automation
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Managing Library Automation

Second Edition
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Marlene Clayton
Routledge Revivals
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

First published in 1992, Managing Library Automation provides a concise, easy-to-read guide to the main factors which librarians and information workers should be aware of when considering computerization. This second edition has been revised and updated with the assistance of Chris Batt to ensure a fresh perspective. The book retains, however, its original brief of not attempting to cover every detail of an extensive topic, but instead, gives the essential facts and indicates significant trends. Historical accounts have been kept to the minimum and no attempt has been made to describe or explain computing techniques except where an understanding of these assists the effective use of systems by librarians. References to further reading are given where appropriate.The book begins by setting library automation within the context of a wider strategy for the use of Information Technology. The importance of careful planning - the first skill of management - is stressed. Subsequent chapters explore the 'nuts and bolts' of hardware and software and reveal some of the more significant changes that have now taken place in the five years since the previous edition was published. The 'human' aspect of automation is considered throughout the book. Although a more commonplace activity than five years ago, the successful integration of automation into the total library system is still a considerable managerial achievement.
First published in 1992, Managing Library Automation provides a concise, easy-to-read guide to the main factors which librarians and information workers should be aware of when considering computerization. This second edition has been revised and updated with the assistance of Chris Batt to ensure a fresh perspective. The book retains, however, its original brief of not attempting to cover every detail of an extensive topic, but instead, gives the essential facts and indicates significant trends. Historical accounts have been kept to the minimum and no attempt has been made to describe or explain computing techniques except where an understanding of these assists the effective use of systems by librarians. References to further reading are given where appropriate.The book begins by setting library automation within the context of a wider strategy for the use of Information Technology. The importance of careful planning - the first skill of management - is stressed. Subsequent chapters explore the 'nuts and bolts' of hardware and software and reveal some of the more significant changes that have now taken place in the five years since the previous edition was published. The 'human' aspect of automation is considered throughout the book. Although a more commonplace activity than five years ago, the successful integration of automation into the total library system is still a considerable managerial achievement.

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