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Role of Ethics in International Law

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The purpose of this book is to explore what role ethical discourse plays in public and private international law. The book seeks (1) to delineate the role of ethical investigation in creating, sustaining, challenging and changing international law and (2) to open up a conversation between two related disciplines - public and private international law - that frequently labor in different vineyards. By examining the role of ethical discourse in international law's public and private dimensions, this volume will hopefully open new avenues for cross-disciplinary exchange in these important fields and related disciplines. The chapters in this book show that there is a way to engage the ethical dimension of international law without seeking to use ethics as raw politics and the will to power.
The purpose of this book is to explore what role ethical discourse plays in public and private international law. The book seeks (1) to delineate the role of ethical investigation in creating, sustaining, challenging and changing international law and (2) to open up a conversation between two related disciplines - public and private international law - that frequently labor in different vineyards. By examining the role of ethical discourse in international law's public and private dimensions, this volume will hopefully open new avenues for cross-disciplinary exchange in these important fields and related disciplines. The chapters in this book show that there is a way to engage the ethical dimension of international law without seeking to use ethics as raw politics and the will to power.

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