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Monique Roffey
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Author of The Mermaid of Black Conch, Rathbone Folio Prize 2021 longlisted,Winner of the Costa Best Novel Award 2020 & Winner of the Costa Book of the Year 2020 Gavin Weald lives with his six-year old daughter Ocean and their dog Suzy in a newly rebuilt pink house. It is only a few months since a devastating flood swept through their home, with heartbreaking consequences. Gavin is trying desperately to carry on, but wakes each night to his daughters cries and his own fears for the future. So one day he does the only thing he can think of: he takes his daughter and his dog down to the marina, to his old boat Romany which hasnt set sail in years, and embarks upon a voyage to make his peace with the waters. They set sail into deep open ocean, watch fish and dolphins leap from the waves, and head for the Caribbean archipelago that Gavin longed to explore as a younger man, before he fell in love with a woman and moored his boat for what he thought was the last time. Now Gavin has a new reason for wanderlust and an unexpected crew, who are about to discover the full power and majesty of the sea. A miraculous journey awaits, new sights and wonders - but it will take more than an ocean to put the memory of the flood behind them Praise for Archipelago: Theres a warmth to this book, an exuberance and a wisdom, that makes the experience of reading it feel not just pleasurable but somehow instructive. Its funny, sometimes bitingly poignant. A brilliant piece of storytelling Andrew Miller, author of Pure, winner of the Costa Book of the Year 2011
Author of The Mermaid of Black Conch, Rathbone Folio Prize 2021 longlisted,Winner of the Costa Best Novel Award 2020 & Winner of the Costa Book of the Year 2020 Gavin Weald lives with his six-year old daughter Ocean and their dog Suzy in a newly rebuilt pink house. It is only a few months since a devastating flood swept through their home, with heartbreaking consequences. Gavin is trying desperately to carry on, but wakes each night to his daughters cries and his own fears for the future. So one day he does the only thing he can think of: he takes his daughter and his dog down to the marina, to his old boat Romany which hasnt set sail in years, and embarks upon a voyage to make his peace with the waters. They set sail into deep open ocean, watch fish and dolphins leap from the waves, and head for the Caribbean archipelago that Gavin longed to explore as a younger man, before he fell in love with a woman and moored his boat for what he thought was the last time. Now Gavin has a new reason for wanderlust and an unexpected crew, who are about to discover the full power and majesty of the sea. A miraculous journey awaits, new sights and wonders - but it will take more than an ocean to put the memory of the flood behind them Praise for Archipelago: Theres a warmth to this book, an exuberance and a wisdom, that makes the experience of reading it feel not just pleasurable but somehow instructive. Its funny, sometimes bitingly poignant. A brilliant piece of storytelling Andrew Miller, author of Pure, winner of the Costa Book of the Year 2011

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