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Early Voyages to Terra Australis, now called Australia

A Collection of Documents, and Extracts from early Manuscript Maps, illustrative of the History of Discovery on the Coasts of that vast Island, from the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century to the Time of Captain Cook
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From Spanish and Dutch sources and relating to Spanish and Dutch enterprises, edited, with an introduction - a separate pamphlet dated 1861 and containing an article by Major on the discovery of Australia by the Portuguese in 1601. This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volume first published in 1859.
From Spanish and Dutch sources and relating to Spanish and Dutch enterprises, edited, with an introduction - a separate pamphlet dated 1861 and containing an article by Major on the discovery of Australia by the Portuguese in 1601. This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volume first published in 1859.

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