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Transposing Drama

Studies in Representation
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What happens when a play is transposed from one medium or mode of presentation to another? What occurs, for example, when a drama intended for readers in one language is translated into another, or when a play written for the stage is adapted for radio, television or film? Egil Trnqvist examines these questions in relation to Shakespeare's Macbeth, Ibsen's A Doll's House, Strindberg's The Ghost Sonata and Pinter's The Homecoming and discusses interpretive transformations achieved by Peter Hall, Ingmar Bergman and Roman Polanski.
What happens when a play is transposed from one medium or mode of presentation to another? What occurs, for example, when a drama intended for readers in one language is translated into another, or when a play written for the stage is adapted for radio, television or film? Egil Trnqvist examines these questions in relation to Shakespeare's Macbeth, Ibsen's A Doll's House, Strindberg's The Ghost Sonata and Pinter's The Homecoming and discusses interpretive transformations achieved by Peter Hall, Ingmar Bergman and Roman Polanski.

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