Husserl’s Logical Investigations in the New Century: Western and Chinese Perspectives

Besorgungstitel - wird vorgemerkt | Lieferzeit: Besorgungstitel - Lieferbar innerhalb von 10 Werktagen I
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449 g
234x155x13 mm

The first volume combining both Western and Chinese perspectives on the heritage of Husserl's Logical Investigations
History and Substance of Husserl's Logical Investigations.- Youding SHEN: The First Phenomenologist in China.- Husserl's Attack on Psychologism and its Cultural Implications.- Between Saying and Showing: Reflections on Husserl's Theory of Occasional Expressions.- Pure Logical Grammar: Identity Amidst Linguistic Differences.- The Problem of the Phenomenology of Feeling in Husserl and Scheler.- Intentionality and Religiosity: Religion from a Phenomenological Viewpoint.- Desiring to Know through Intuition.- Authentic Thinking and Phenomenological Method.- The Problem of Being in Logical Investigations.- Foucault and Husserl's Logical Investigations: the Unsuspected French Connection.

In this volume, phenomenologists from the West join hands with specialists from mainland China and Hong Kong to discuss the heritage of Husserl's Logical Investigations. Readers will learn of the early reception of Husserl's Logical Investigations in China and understand how Husserl's doctrine of intentionality of consciousness has paved the way to a novel phenomenological explication of religious experience.

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