Wizard of Storms

Zantain #2
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Qurval, the Wizard of Storms, took pride in his madness, exquisite pleasure in the pain of his prisoners. Beautiful Laishalla and her friends, Konarr and The Bowman, knew every day brought them closer to a terrible death, yet they were helpless. Evil and insane, Qurval tormented the universe with catastrophes and howling storms. Through the thunder and lightning called forth to do his bidding, the Wizard's malevolent laughter rang out, defying anyone or anything to challenge his limitless wickedness!
Qurval, the Wizard of Storms, took pride in his madness, exquisite pleasure in the pain of his prisoners. Beautiful Laishalla and her friends, Konarr and The Bowman, knew every day brought them closer to a terrible death, yet they were helpless. Evil and insane, Qurval tormented the universe with catastrophes and howling storms. Through the thunder and lightning called forth to do his bidding, the Wizard's malevolent laughter rang out, defying anyone or anything to challenge his limitless wickedness!

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