Reformation, Dissent and Diversity
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Reformation, Dissent and Diversity

The Story of Scotland's Churches, 1560 - 1960
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Mr Andrew T.N. Muirhead
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

This book examines and describes for the general reader the life and characteristics of the churches which flourished in Scotland between the Reformation and the mid-20th century. It will help both amateur and professional historians to understand the different denominations, and provides background to, and context for, their own research. Church influence on society has been particularly strong in Scotland and church records are a major source of pre-1844 information, but no recent book deals adequately with the church background.

Here, the author explores how churches developed in, and interacted with, society. An overview of the churches of Scotland from the Reformation to 1960 is followed by a brief examination of each denomination including doctrinal issues, worship, organization, social and demographic factors, and mapping to show the geographical strengths of particular groups.
This book examines and describes for the general reader the life and characteristics of the churches which flourished in Scotland between the Reformation and the mid-20th century. It will help both amateur and professional historians to understand the different denominations, and provides background to, and context for, their own research. Church influence on society has been particularly strong in Scotland and church records are a major source of pre-1844 information, but no recent book deals adequately with the church background.

Here, the author explores how churches developed in, and interacted with, society. An overview of the churches of Scotland from the Reformation to 1960 is followed by a brief examination of each denomination including doctrinal issues, worship, organization, social and demographic factors, and mapping to show the geographical strengths of particular groups.

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