Eco-Cultural Networks and the British Empire
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Eco-Cultural Networks and the British Empire

New Views on Environmental History
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Dr James Beattie
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19th-century British imperial expansion dramatically shaped today''s globalised world. Imperialism encouraged mass migrations of people, shifting flora, fauna and commodities around the world and led to a series of radical environmental changes never before experienced in history. Eco-Cultural Networks and the British Empire explores how these networks shaped ecosystems, cultures and societies throughout the British Empire and how they were themselves transformed by local and regional conditions.

This multi-authored volume begins with a rigorous theoretical analysis of the categories of ''empire'' and ''imperialism''. Its chapters, written by leading scholars in the field, draw methodologically from recent studies in environmental history, post-colonial theory and the history of science. Together, these perspectives provide a comprehensive historical understanding of how the British Empire reshaped the globe during the 19th and 20th centuries. This book will be an important addition to the literature on British imperialism and global ecological change.
19th-century British imperial expansion dramatically shaped today''s globalised world. Imperialism encouraged mass migrations of people, shifting flora, fauna and commodities around the world and led to a series of radical environmental changes never before experienced in history. Eco-Cultural Networks and the British Empire explores how these networks shaped ecosystems, cultures and societies throughout the British Empire and how they were themselves transformed by local and regional conditions.

This multi-authored volume begins with a rigorous theoretical analysis of the categories of ''empire'' and ''imperialism''. Its chapters, written by leading scholars in the field, draw methodologically from recent studies in environmental history, post-colonial theory and the history of science. Together, these perspectives provide a comprehensive historical understanding of how the British Empire reshaped the globe during the 19th and 20th centuries. This book will be an important addition to the literature on British imperialism and global ecological change.

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