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G. H. Bennett is Reader in History at the University of Plymouth. He is the author of ten books including Roosevelt's Peacetime Administrations 1933-41: A Documentary History of the New Deal Years (MUP) and Survivors: British Merchant Seamen in the Second World War. He lives in Cornwall.
Introduction 1 The Debacle of May/June 1940 2 Free France in Africa 3 The Battle of Britain and the Thirteen Apostles of Charles de Gaulle 4 Growth of the Free French Air Force in 1941 5 The Birth of 340 (Ile de France) Squadron 6 War from the Desert to the Atlantic 7 War by Attrition and the Raid on Dieppe 8 Progress of the Free French Movement 1942-43 9 Formation of 341 (Alsace) Squadron in the United Kingdom 10 342 (Lorraine) Squadron enters the European Battle 11 Survive, Evade, Escape 12 D-Day: Preparation and Execution 13 Liberation 14 War to the Bitter End 15 Aftermath 16 Conclusions Appendices Bibliography Index.
An examination of the relationship between the Royal Air Force and the French Fighter pilots who flew for the RAF during WWII.

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