Synaptic Plasticity in Pain
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Synaptic Plasticity in Pain

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Marzia Malcangio
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This book focuses on emerging areas of synaptic plasticity and pain. It delineates anatomical circuits for pain in the dorsal horn, explores transmissions at the pain synapse, and discusses how synaptic plasticity can be monitored during pain transmission.

Primary sensory neurons respond to peripheral stimulation and project to the spinal cord. Specifically, the population of neurons which respond to damaging stimuli terminate in the superficial layers of the dorsal horn. Therefore, the dorsal horns constitute the first relay site for nociceptive fibre terminals which make synaptic contacts with second order neurons. It has recently become clear that the strength of this first pain synapse is plastic and modifiable by several modulators, including neuronal and non-neuronal regulators, and studies on the fundamental processes regulating the plasticity of the first pain synapse have resulted in the identification of new targets for the treatment of chronic pain. This book will be of interest to a wide readership in the pain field.

Anatomical Plasticity of Dorsal Horn Circuits.- Changes in NK1 and Glutamate Receptors in Pain.- Trophic Factors and Their Receptors in Pain Pathways.- Fast Synaptic Transmission in the Dorsal Horn.- Fast Inhibitory Transmission of Pain in the Spinal Cord.- Synaptic Transmission of Pain in the Developing Spinal Cord.- Slow Synaptic Transmission in the Dorsal Horn.- BDNF and TrkB Mediated Mechanisms in the Spinal Cord.- Dorsal Horn Substance P and NK1 Receptors: Study of a Model System in Spinal Nociceptive Processing.- Opioidergic Transmission in the Dorsal Horn.- CGRP in Spinal Cord Pain Mechanisms.- Amplification of Pain-Related Information.- Long-Term Potentiation in Superficial Spinal Dorsal Horn: A Pain Amplifier.- Modulation of Long-Term Potentiation of Excitatory Synaptic Transmission in the Spinal Cord Dorsal Horn.- Windup in the Spinal Cord.- Mechanisms and Targets for Chronic Pain.- Pain from the Arthritic Joint.- Spinal Mechanisms of Visceral Pain and Hyperalgesia.- Descending Modulation of Pain.- Cannabinoid Receptor Mediated Analgesia: Novel Targets for Chronic Pain States.- Spinal Dynorphin and Neuropathic Pain.- Microglia, Cytokines and Pain.- The Role of Astrocytes in the Modulation of Pain.- Spinal Cord Phospholipase A2 and Prostanoids in Pain Processing.- MAP Kinase and Cell Signaling in DRG Neurons and Spinal Microglia in Neuropathic Pain.- Microglia and Trophic Factors in Neuropathic Pain States.- The Cathepsin S/Fractalkine Pair: New Players in Spinal Cord Neuropathic Pain Mechanisms.

Primary sensory neurons respond to peripheral stimulation and project to the spinal cord. Specifically, the population of neurons which respond to damaging stimuli terminate in the superficial layers of the dorsal horn. Therefore, the dorsal horns constitute the first relay site for nociceptive fibre terminals which make synaptic contacts with second order neurons. It has recently become clear that the strength of this first pain synapse is plastic and modifiable by several modulators, including neuronal and non-neuronal regulators, and studies on the fundamental processes regulating the plasticity of the first pain synapse have resulted in the identification of new targets for the treatment of chronic pain.

Synaptic Plasticity and Pain discusses the delineation of some anatomical circuits for pain in the dorsal horn, the main players of the fast and slow transmissions at the pain synapse, how synaptic plasticity can be monitored in the dorsal horn during pain transmission, and several mechanisms and targets for chronic pain in the dorsal horn with special emphasis to neuropathic pain. The book will be of interest to a wide readership in the pain field. 

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