Practical Computing on the Cell Broadband Engine
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Practical Computing on the Cell Broadband Engine

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Sandeep Koranne
eBook Typ:
eBook Format:
Reflowable eBook
Digital Watermark [Social-DRM]

This is a unique programming guide for the Cell Broadband Engine. It demonstrates a large number of real-life programs to identify and solve problems in a broad range of subjects. There are numerous diagrams, mnemonics, tables, and charts.

Practical Programming in the Cell Broadband Engine offers a unique programming guide for the Cell Broadband Engine, demonstrating a large number of real-life programs to identify and solve problems in engineering, logic design, VLSI CAD, number-theory, graph-theory, computational geometry, image processing, and other subjects.

Key features include:

  • Numerous diagrams, mnemonics, tables, charts, code samples for making program development on the CBE as accessible as possible
  • Comprehensive reading list for introductory material to the subject matter
  • A website providing all source codes and sample-data for examples presented in this text.
Introducing the Cell Broadband Engine.- The Power Processing Element (PPE).- The Synergistic Processing Element.- Element Interconnect Bus.- Direct Memory Access (DMA).- Programming the Cell Broadband Engine.- Foundations for Program Development on CBE.- The development environment.- Hello World.- An Overview of the SDK.- Basic Algorithms.- Graph Theory on the CBEA.- Alternative methods for parallel programming on SPE.- Computational Mathematics on the CBEA.- Vector Graphics on SPU.- Optimizing SPU Programs.- Case Studies.- Line-of-sight Computation.- Structure Determination using PDF.- Polytope Enumeration.- Synthetic Aperture Radar.- VLSI Design Automation.- Floorplanning: VLSI and other Applications.- VLSI Placement.- Power Estimation for VLSI.- Concluding Remarks.

Practical Programming in the Cell Broadband Engine offers a unique programming guide for the Cell Broadband Engine, demonstrating a large number of real-life programs to identify and solve problems in engineering, logic design, VLSI CAD, number-theory, graph-theory, computational geometry, image processing, and other subjects. This book:

  • Explores a wide variety of problems presenting the Cell Broadband Engine in a new, distinctive way.
  • Presents a number of software programming projects which can be used by faculty for engaging students into the area of actual code development for practical high-performance computing.
  • Provides professionals with the tools needed to analyze the capabilities of the Cell Broadband Engine in their application domain.

Key features include numerous diagrams, mnemonics, tables, charts, code samples for making program development on the CBE as accessible as possible, a comprehensive reading list for introductory material to the subject matter, and a website providing all source codes and sample-data for examples presented in this text.

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