Redesigning Work
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Redesigning Work

A Blueprint for Canada's Future Well-being and Prosperity
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Frank Graves
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Canada's future prosperity is of utmost concern to citizens, industry leaders and policy makers. Using original public opinion research from EKOS, Redesigning Work argues that improving people's jobs and workplaces can unlock the potential to strengthen Canada's economy and improve the well-being of Canadians.Graham Lowe and Frank Graves are two of Canada's leading experts on work and public opinion. In Redesigning Work the authors provide a blueprint for the future of work in Canada by identifying practical ways to make work more motivating, rewarding and productive. The authors provide fuel for employers, workers, policy makers, HR professionals, and NGOs to combat the negative trends many Canadians associate with their future economic prospects. The book paints an optimistic picture of the future of work by addressing job stress, work-life balance, skill use and engagement.
Canada's future prosperity is of utmost concern to citizens, industry leaders and policy makers. Using original public opinion research from EKOS, Redesigning Work argues that improving people's jobs and workplaces can unlock the potential to strengthen Canada's economy and improve the well-being of Canadians.Graham Lowe and Frank Graves are two of Canada's leading experts on work and public opinion. In Redesigning Work the authors provide a blueprint for the future of work in Canada by identifying practical ways to make work more motivating, rewarding and productive. The authors provide fuel for employers, workers, policy makers, HR professionals, and NGOs to combat the negative trends many Canadians associate with their future economic prospects. The book paints an optimistic picture of the future of work by addressing job stress, work-life balance, skill use and engagement.

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