Understanding the Dynamics of Classroom Communication
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Understanding the Dynamics of Classroom Communication

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Sungbae Ko
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Conversational participants in the classroom are not ordinary conversationalists, but conversationalists in a pedagogical multiparty community. A different speech exchange system may produce different problems and different opportunities of sequential organisation when we shift our attention from ordinary conversation to a different speech-exchange system.Understanding the Dynamics of Classroom Communication provides much-needed descriptions of communication within language classrooms, which acknowledge the importance of what teachers and students bring to the class environment, as well as what actually occurs during face-to-face communication within the classroom. Using authentic, naturally-occurring data, this book offers new insights into the sequencing of patterns of interaction that occur between individuals engaged in dynamic co-participation beyond the properties of individual learner language. In the final chapter, some implications for Second Language Acquisition are also discussed.
Conversational participants in the classroom are not ordinary conversationalists, but conversationalists in a pedagogical multiparty community. A different speech exchange system may produce different problems and different opportunities of sequential organisation when we shift our attention from ordinary conversation to a different speech-exchange system.Understanding the Dynamics of Classroom Communication provides much-needed descriptions of communication within language classrooms, which acknowledge the importance of what teachers and students bring to the class environment, as well as what actually occurs during face-to-face communication within the classroom. Using authentic, naturally-occurring data, this book offers new insights into the sequencing of patterns of interaction that occur between individuals engaged in dynamic co-participation beyond the properties of individual learner language. In the final chapter, some implications for Second Language Acquisition are also discussed.

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