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382 g
228x146x22 mm

National Book Award finalist Sara Zarr (The Lucy Variations, Story of a Girl) and acclaimed author Tara Altebrando (The Best Night of Your (Pathetic) Life, Dreamland Social Club) were born within 48 hours of each other, on opposite sides of the country. They met online in 2006 and have been friends - and fans of each other's work - ever since.
Two acclaimed young adult authors join forces for a novel about growing up, leaving home, and that one fateful email that assigns . . . your college roommate.
Two acclaimed young adult authors join forces for a novel about growing up, leaving home, and that one fateful email that assigns ... your college roommate.
An engaging and heart-warming 'two voice' story of an East Coast/West Coast digital friendship that begins when Elizabeth emails her soon-to-be college roommate, Lauren. On the cusp of freedom during their last summer before starting a new independent life away from home, they discover the catharsis that an anonymous email friendship can bring as they chronicle the tension, excitement and anxiety of leaving their homes, falling in love, and finding the right mini-fridge.

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