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The Finishing Line

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They''re under starters orders, and they''re off...

Early favourite Will is first out of the stalls after waking up with Children''s TV star Jenny Joffee...only to be overtaken at the first fence by his two best friends: one takes the lead with his audacious engagement to Will''s first love; the other is soon neck and neck through his dangerous liaisons with Will''s client''s ex-wife.

Now it''s a race to the finishing line. As Will leaps over legal hurdles in his taxing job as a divorce lawyer, he realises the there are a few more ditches before he can reach the final strait. But he isn''t sure he wants to win anyway...

They''re under starters orders, and they''re off...

Early favourite Will is first out of the stalls after waking up with Children''s TV star Jenny Joffee...only to be overtaken at the first fence by his two best friends: one takes the lead with his audacious engagement to Will''s first love; the other is soon neck and neck through his dangerous liaisons with Will''s client''s ex-wife.

Now it''s a race to the finishing line. As Will leaps over legal hurdles in his taxing job as a divorce lawyer, he realises the there are a few more ditches before he can reach the final strait. But he isn''t sure he wants to win anyway...

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