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Ghost Portrait

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This intimate and compelling historical novel deftly interweaves three periods in the life of 17th-century painter Nathaniel Deller: in 1650, just after Charles I''s execution, the young Deller joins a political group too radical even for the Roundheads; ten years later, on the night of Charles II''s return from exile, Deller is accused by his former friend Thomas Digby of betraying their ideals; and in 1680, the increasingly blind painter commissions his former pupil William Stroud to finish the portrait of his late wife, knowing this could reignite the romance between Stroud and the daughter he tyrannises.

Offering a vivid picture of England spanning the English Civil War and Restoration, GHOST PORTRAIT explores the conflict between public duty and private desire, idealism and ambition.

This intimate and compelling historical novel deftly interweaves three periods in the life of 17th-century painter Nathaniel Deller: in 1650, just after Charles I''s execution, the young Deller joins a political group too radical even for the Roundheads; ten years later, on the night of Charles II''s return from exile, Deller is accused by his former friend Thomas Digby of betraying their ideals; and in 1680, the increasingly blind painter commissions his former pupil William Stroud to finish the portrait of his late wife, knowing this could reignite the romance between Stroud and the daughter he tyrannises.

Offering a vivid picture of England spanning the English Civil War and Restoration, GHOST PORTRAIT explores the conflict between public duty and private desire, idealism and ambition.

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