Redditch Through Time
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Redditch Through Time

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Ray Jones
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Redditch is historically known because of the success of its needle, fishing tackle and cycle factories. Unfortunately most of the old factories have been demolished. This has been coupled with the massive urban transformation undergone by Redditch largely as a result of its designation as a new town in 1964. The town continues to struggle to find a vibrant and fresh identity and still tends to be regarded as principally a dormitory town for the nearby Birmingham conurbation. This book essentially looks at the changes in Redditch that have occurred over the last 100 years or so. Many historic houses, factories and roads have disappeared in that period and much of the old charm of Redditch has been lost as a result. Hopefully this book will provoke more thought about the importance of careful preservation in ensuring that an industrial town forges a modern identity that is well rooted in the past.
Redditch is historically known because of the success of its needle, fishing tackle and cycle factories. Unfortunately most of the old factories have been demolished. This has been coupled with the massive urban transformation undergone by Redditch largely as a result of its designation as a new town in 1964. The town continues to struggle to find a vibrant and fresh identity and still tends to be regarded as principally a dormitory town for the nearby Birmingham conurbation. This book essentially looks at the changes in Redditch that have occurred over the last 100 years or so. Many historic houses, factories and roads have disappeared in that period and much of the old charm of Redditch has been lost as a result. Hopefully this book will provoke more thought about the importance of careful preservation in ensuring that an industrial town forges a modern identity that is well rooted in the past.

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