Rugby Through Time
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Rugby Through Time

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Jacqueline Cameron
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Rugby as we know it today dates back some 2,000 years. At one time a small settlement, victim of invasions by Romans, Saxons, Danes and even Normans; and later best known for the invention Rugby football attributed to William Webb Ellis who 'caught the ball and ran with it' and, of course, the famous Rugby school. This intriguing collection of images reveals the history of this iconic area. In this book the author has tried to capture some of the spirit of the town, giving the reader a glimpse of its past. Such interesting figures as Rupert Brooke, the authors of Tom Brown's School Days and Alice in Wonderland are associated with its history. Rugby is a town of many parts and Jacqueline Cameron has captured some of its charisma and success in Rugby Through Time.
Rugby as we know it today dates back some 2,000 years. At one time a small settlement, victim of invasions by Romans, Saxons, Danes and even Normans; and later best known for the invention Rugby football attributed to William Webb Ellis who 'caught the ball and ran with it' and, of course, the famous Rugby school. This intriguing collection of images reveals the history of this iconic area. In this book the author has tried to capture some of the spirit of the town, giving the reader a glimpse of its past. Such interesting figures as Rupert Brooke, the authors of Tom Brown's School Days and Alice in Wonderland are associated with its history. Rugby is a town of many parts and Jacqueline Cameron has captured some of its charisma and success in Rugby Through Time.

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