Small Heath & Sparkbrook Through Time
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Small Heath & Sparkbrook Through Time

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Keith Clenton
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

By the turn of the twentieth century Small Heath and Sparkbrook, two adjacent inner city districts of Birmingham, had been transformed from a rural environment to an urban one. Two vibrant shopping areas had evolved surrounded by Victorian properties of working class back-to-backs and middle class terrace housing on the Coventry Road, Small Heath and Stratford Road, Sparkbrook. Birmingham City FC dominates the city end of Small Heath whereas Small Heath Park at the other end also attracts visitors to the only major green space in this area. However the most historical and oldest building, The Farm, can still be found in Sparkbrook. Unlike other inner-city areas no large scale redevelopment has taken place in either district leaving a mixture of modern and as-built properties in both areas.
By the turn of the twentieth century Small Heath and Sparkbrook, two adjacent inner city districts of Birmingham, had been transformed from a rural environment to an urban one. Two vibrant shopping areas had evolved surrounded by Victorian properties of working class back-to-backs and middle class terrace housing on the Coventry Road, Small Heath and Stratford Road, Sparkbrook. Birmingham City FC dominates the city end of Small Heath whereas Small Heath Park at the other end also attracts visitors to the only major green space in this area. However the most historical and oldest building, The Farm, can still be found in Sparkbrook. Unlike other inner-city areas no large scale redevelopment has taken place in either district leaving a mixture of modern and as-built properties in both areas.

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