Stroud Valleys Pubs Through Time
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Stroud Valleys Pubs Through Time

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Geoff Sandles
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Stroud is the capital of the south-western Cotswolds, located at the divergence of the five Golden Valleys, named after the monetary wealth created in the processing of wool from the plentiful supply of water power. Five populated valleys converge at Stroud, ten miles south-west of Cheltenham, creating a bustle of hills. The bustle is not a new phenomenon. During the heyday of the wool trade the River Frome powered 150 mills, creating thirsty workers in need of refreshment. In this the fifth of his series of Pubs Through Time, Geoff Sandles takes us on an affectionate visual journey through the valleys' watering holes, and uses old and new images, as well as entertaining captions to bring the history of the Stroud Valleys' pubs to life. From Amberley to Woodchester, Stroud Valleys Pubs Through Time will delight and surprise those who regularly frequent these establishments and know the area well.
Stroud is the capital of the south-western Cotswolds, located at the divergence of the five Golden Valleys, named after the monetary wealth created in the processing of wool from the plentiful supply of water power. Five populated valleys converge at Stroud, ten miles south-west of Cheltenham, creating a bustle of hills. The bustle is not a new phenomenon. During the heyday of the wool trade the River Frome powered 150 mills, creating thirsty workers in need of refreshment. In this the fifth of his series of Pubs Through Time, Geoff Sandles takes us on an affectionate visual journey through the valleys' watering holes, and uses old and new images, as well as entertaining captions to bring the history of the Stroud Valleys' pubs to life. From Amberley to Woodchester, Stroud Valleys Pubs Through Time will delight and surprise those who regularly frequent these establishments and know the area well.

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