Great War
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Great War

An Illustrated History
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Phil Carradice
eBook Typ:
eBook Format:
Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

The Great War - An Illustrated History looks at the causes of the war and the actual events themselves. Naturally, much of it covers the war on the Western Front but there are also sections about other theatres of war - the Middle East, Gallipoli, the war in Africa, etc. The war at sea and in the air are also covered. One particular focus of the book is the new technology that was employed - mines, submarines, gas, aeroplanes. The war on the home front is also looked at, as are the views of artists and poets, writers and photographers. The book itself is a pictorial history where the images - photographs, prints, drawings and postcards - are as important as the text. As such, it is lavishly illustrated with original material, much of it being published here for the first time.
The Great War - An Illustrated History looks at the causes of the war and the actual events themselves. Naturally, much of it covers the war on the Western Front but there are also sections about other theatres of war - the Middle East, Gallipoli, the war in Africa, etc. The war at sea and in the air are also covered. One particular focus of the book is the new technology that was employed - mines, submarines, gas, aeroplanes. The war on the home front is also looked at, as are the views of artists and poets, writers and photographers. The book itself is a pictorial history where the images - photographs, prints, drawings and postcards - are as important as the text. As such, it is lavishly illustrated with original material, much of it being published here for the first time.

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