Progress in Iron Research
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Progress in Iron Research

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Philip Aisen
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

The 4th International Conference on Hemochromatosis and the 11th International Conference on Iron and Iron Proteins took place in Jerusalem on April 27 -30 and on May 2 -7 1993, respectively. The first, a clinical meeting, and the second, a forum designed primarily for basic scientists. Both meetings are held regularly on alter- nate years and represent probably the most important forum for the exchange of information in iron research. The present volume "e;Progress in Iron Research"e; is based on a selection of presentations delivered at these meetings. However, this volume represents much more than a publication of conference proceedings. It offers a comprehensive state-of-the-art review on most aspects of iron metabolism. We have tried to offer a balanced review of the most important recent developments in iron research including both basic research and clinical investigation. However, the scope of chapters was based, by definition, on the actual participants at the meetings and some important fields in iron research such as plant physiology, microbial aspects of iron metabolism, and free radical research have not been dealt with. Many of the authors of the 40 chapters have beel). pt1rsonally responsible for some of the most important developments in iron research ~~vidffig: n~~~ights into iron physiology and pathophysiology. The Editors wish to express their gratitude for the outstanding and timely cooperation of all contributors to this volume.
The 4th International Conference on Hemochromatosis and the 11th International Conference on Iron and Iron Proteins took place in Jerusalem on April 27 -30 and on May 2 -7 1993, respectively. The first, a clinical meeting, and the second, a forum designed primarily for basic scientists. Both meetings are held regularly on alter- nate years and represent probably the most important forum for the exchange of information in iron research. The present volume "e;Progress in Iron Research"e; is based on a selection of presentations delivered at these meetings. However, this volume represents much more than a publication of conference proceedings. It offers a comprehensive state-of-the-art review on most aspects of iron metabolism. We have tried to offer a balanced review of the most important recent developments in iron research including both basic research and clinical investigation. However, the scope of chapters was based, by definition, on the actual participants at the meetings and some important fields in iron research such as plant physiology, microbial aspects of iron metabolism, and free radical research have not been dealt with. Many of the authors of the 40 chapters have beel). pt1rsonally responsible for some of the most important developments in iron research ~~vidffig: n~~~ights into iron physiology and pathophysiology. The Editors wish to express their gratitude for the outstanding and timely cooperation of all contributors to this volume.

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