Communications and Cryptography
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Communications and Cryptography

Two Sides of One Tapestry
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Richard E. Blahut
The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Information theory is an exceptional field in many ways. Technically, it is one of the rare fields in which mathematical results and insights have led directly to significant engineering payoffs. Professionally, it is a field that has sustained a remarkable degree of community, collegiality and high standards. James L. Massey, whose work in the field is honored here, embodies the highest standards of the profession in his own career. The book covers the latest work on: block coding, convolutional coding, cryptography, and information theory. The 44 contributions represent a cross-section of the world's leading scholars, scientists and researchers in information theory and communication. The book is rounded off with an index and a bibliography of publications by James Massey.
Information theory is an exceptional field in many ways. Technically, it is one of the rare fields in which mathematical results and insights have led directly to significant engineering payoffs. Professionally, it is a field that has sustained a remarkable degree of community, collegiality and high standards. James L. Massey, whose work in the field is honored here, embodies the highest standards of the profession in his own career. The book covers the latest work on: block coding, convolutional coding, cryptography, and information theory. The 44 contributions represent a cross-section of the world's leading scholars, scientists and researchers in information theory and communication. The book is rounded off with an index and a bibliography of publications by James Massey.

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