Morphological Image Processing: Architecture and VLSI design
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Morphological Image Processing: Architecture and VLSI design

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
P.P. Jonker
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Summary Based on the experiences of past designs and the outcome of recent studies in the comparisons of low-level image processing architectures, a pipelined system for real- time low-image processing has been designed and realized in CMOS technology. To minimize design pitfalls, a study was performed to the details of the design solutions that have been found in embodimentsof the three main architectural groups of image processing; the Square Processor Arrays, the Linear Processor Arrays and the Pipelines. This is reflected in a theoretical model. As the design is based on bitplane-wise processing of images, research was performed on the principles ofCellularLogic Processing of two dimensional images. of binary A methodology has been developed that is based on the transformation images using sets of Hit-or-Miss masks. This method appeared to be extendable to higher dimensional images. A theoretical model for the generation of break-point conditions in high dimensional images has been developed, and applied up to dimension three.
Summary Based on the experiences of past designs and the outcome of recent studies in the comparisons of low-level image processing architectures, a pipelined system for real- time low-image processing has been designed and realized in CMOS technology. To minimize design pitfalls, a study was performed to the details of the design solutions that have been found in embodimentsof the three main architectural groups of image processing; the Square Processor Arrays, the Linear Processor Arrays and the Pipelines. This is reflected in a theoretical model. As the design is based on bitplane-wise processing of images, research was performed on the principles ofCellularLogic Processing of two dimensional images. of binary A methodology has been developed that is based on the transformation images using sets of Hit-or-Miss masks. This method appeared to be extendable to higher dimensional images. A theoretical model for the generation of break-point conditions in high dimensional images has been developed, and applied up to dimension three.

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