Teacher’s Manual for Building Construction and Design
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Teacher’s Manual for Building Construction and Design

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
James E. Ambrose
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study or teaching. This manual explores the This publication is intended for persons who are various possibilities for using the book in just planning to use my book, Building Construction about all the ways I can imagine in terms of and Design, as a basic text or reference for some teaching effort. The book was indeed written to teaching situations and learning goals. be used for study purposes, including those in- Most college teachers get no teacher education volving some classroom situation with a teacher. or training (me included). If both totally unpre- The book itself is organized and presented es- pared by training and also inexperienced in sentially for the utility of the readers; with or teaching work, the teacher faces a vast abyss of without the benefit of guidance by a teacher. unknowns in approaching the classroom and the This manual is written for the teacher and deals blank stares of a room full of students. Any help is wanted, and this manual may hopefully supply with teaching in general, as well as with the some for the less experienced teachers. In specific use of my book.
study or teaching. This manual explores the This publication is intended for persons who are various possibilities for using the book in just planning to use my book, Building Construction about all the ways I can imagine in terms of and Design, as a basic text or reference for some teaching effort. The book was indeed written to teaching situations and learning goals. be used for study purposes, including those in- Most college teachers get no teacher education volving some classroom situation with a teacher. or training (me included). If both totally unpre- The book itself is organized and presented es- pared by training and also inexperienced in sentially for the utility of the readers; with or teaching work, the teacher faces a vast abyss of without the benefit of guidance by a teacher. unknowns in approaching the classroom and the This manual is written for the teacher and deals blank stares of a room full of students. Any help is wanted, and this manual may hopefully supply with teaching in general, as well as with the some for the less experienced teachers. In specific use of my book.

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