Introduction to Fuzzy Logic Applications in Intelligent Systems
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Introduction to Fuzzy Logic Applications in Intelligent Systems

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Ronald R. Yager
The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science
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An Introduction to Fuzzy Logic Applications in Intelligent Systems consists of a collection of chapters written by leading experts in the field of fuzzy sets. Each chapter addresses an area where fuzzy sets have been applied to situations broadly related to intelligent systems. The volume provides an introduction to and an overview of recent applications of fuzzy sets to various areas of intelligent systems. Its purpose is to provide information and easy access for people new to the field. The book also serves as an excellent reference for researchers in the field and those working in the specifics of systems development. People in computer science, especially those in artificial intelligence, knowledge-based systems, and intelligent systems will find this to be a valuable sourcebook. Engineers, particularly control engineers, will also have a strong interest in this book. Finally, the book will be of interest to researchers working in decision support systems, operations research, decision theory, management science and applied mathematics. An Introduction to Fuzzy Logic Applications in Intelligent Systems may also be used as an introductory text and, as such, it is tutorial in nature.
An Introduction to Fuzzy Logic Applications in Intelligent Systems consists of a collection of chapters written by leading experts in the field of fuzzy sets. Each chapter addresses an area where fuzzy sets have been applied to situations broadly related to intelligent systems. The volume provides an introduction to and an overview of recent applications of fuzzy sets to various areas of intelligent systems. Its purpose is to provide information and easy access for people new to the field. The book also serves as an excellent reference for researchers in the field and those working in the specifics of systems development. People in computer science, especially those in artificial intelligence, knowledge-based systems, and intelligent systems will find this to be a valuable sourcebook. Engineers, particularly control engineers, will also have a strong interest in this book. Finally, the book will be of interest to researchers working in decision support systems, operations research, decision theory, management science and applied mathematics. An Introduction to Fuzzy Logic Applications in Intelligent Systems may also be used as an introductory text and, as such, it is tutorial in nature.

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