Optical Fiber Sensor Technology
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Optical Fiber Sensor Technology

Devices and Technology
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
L.S. Grattan
Optoelectronics, Imaging and Sensing
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Progress in optical fiber sensors The field of optical fiber sensor technology is one that continues to expand and develop at a rate that could barely have been predicted a few years ago. The wealth of publications appearing in the technical literature and the burgeoning number of papers presented at the now well-established series of national and international conferences, which are attended by a wide selection of technically qualified optoelectronics professionals, gives a clear indication of both the range and scale of the devices and applications now seen in the subject. Such a rapid expansion makes it very difficult for the scientist and engineer, under pressure to be both informed and effective for an employer, to attend all these meetings, selectively read the appropriate literature and be able quickly to gain the knowledge in those specific areas which will give the best advantage for the work in hand. To that end, this volume has been planned and carefully designed to provide an essential overview, and detailed specific information, on those novel and exciting aspects of optical fiber sensor technology that have recently emerged, with particular focus on the devices and the exciting applications of this part of optoelectronic technology in the vast international measurement and instrumentation area.
Progress in optical fiber sensors The field of optical fiber sensor technology is one that continues to expand and develop at a rate that could barely have been predicted a few years ago. The wealth of publications appearing in the technical literature and the burgeoning number of papers presented at the now well-established series of national and international conferences, which are attended by a wide selection of technically qualified optoelectronics professionals, gives a clear indication of both the range and scale of the devices and applications now seen in the subject. Such a rapid expansion makes it very difficult for the scientist and engineer, under pressure to be both informed and effective for an employer, to attend all these meetings, selectively read the appropriate literature and be able quickly to gain the knowledge in those specific areas which will give the best advantage for the work in hand. To that end, this volume has been planned and carefully designed to provide an essential overview, and detailed specific information, on those novel and exciting aspects of optical fiber sensor technology that have recently emerged, with particular focus on the devices and the exciting applications of this part of optoelectronic technology in the vast international measurement and instrumentation area.

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