Genetic Modification in the Food Industry
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Genetic Modification in the Food Industry

A Strategy for Food Quality Improvement
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Susan Harlander
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Although the true economic impact of genetic modifications is yet to be realized, the potential of this new technology to benefit the food processing industry and to improve food quality is enormous. Specific genetically modified whole foods and food ingredients that have recently become available or are about to become available are described and discussed in relation to their technical performance and consumer acceptance. The regulatory, ethical and communication issues in food biotechnology are also reviewed. As the products of gene technology come on stream, decisions need to be made as to whether or not to use them. Yet, many food industry professionals have little or no background in biotechnology and have a limited concept of possible applications in foods. Therefore, this book aims to foster a greater understanding of the benefits and potential pitfalls of this new technology.
Although the true economic impact of genetic modifications is yet to be realized, the potential of this new technology to benefit the food processing industry and to improve food quality is enormous. Specific genetically modified whole foods and food ingredients that have recently become available or are about to become available are described and discussed in relation to their technical performance and consumer acceptance. The regulatory, ethical and communication issues in food biotechnology are also reviewed. As the products of gene technology come on stream, decisions need to be made as to whether or not to use them. Yet, many food industry professionals have little or no background in biotechnology and have a limited concept of possible applications in foods. Therefore, this book aims to foster a greater understanding of the benefits and potential pitfalls of this new technology.

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