Information Processing in Medical Imaging
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Information Processing in Medical Imaging

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
C.N. De Graaff
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

This book summarizes the proceedings of the 10th international conference on Infonnation Pro- cessing in Medical Imaging (IPMI-lO), held in June, 1987, in Zeist, The Netherlands. IPMI is a biennial conference, organized alternately in Europe and North America. The subject of the conference is the use of physics, mathematics, computer science, and engineering in the of medical images. The intent of the conference is to fonnation, processing and interpretation provide a forum where new ideas and results of research in medical imaging can be presented and amply discussed. Accordingly, the programme can comprise only a limited number of papers. The scientific committee of IPMI-lO selected 41 papers for presentation, although a total of 102 extended abstracts of on the average high quality had been submitted. All selected contri- butions are included in these proceedings. During of the preparations of the conference the organizers received the tragic news of the death of Francois Erbsmann, the initiator of IPMI, and organizer of the first conference in 1969 in Brussels. Francois always emphasized that the backbone of the IPMI meetings should be promising young and active researchers rather than established scientists in the field. As an appreciation of this idea, and in thankful remembrance of Francois' stimulating work, the IPMI-board has taken the initiative to present the Francois Erbsmann prize for the most significant contribution to the conference by a young investigator.
This book summarizes the proceedings of the 10th international conference on Infonnation Pro- cessing in Medical Imaging (IPMI-lO), held in June, 1987, in Zeist, The Netherlands. IPMI is a biennial conference, organized alternately in Europe and North America. The subject of the conference is the use of physics, mathematics, computer science, and engineering in the of medical images. The intent of the conference is to fonnation, processing and interpretation provide a forum where new ideas and results of research in medical imaging can be presented and amply discussed. Accordingly, the programme can comprise only a limited number of papers. The scientific committee of IPMI-lO selected 41 papers for presentation, although a total of 102 extended abstracts of on the average high quality had been submitted. All selected contri- butions are included in these proceedings. During of the preparations of the conference the organizers received the tragic news of the death of Francois Erbsmann, the initiator of IPMI, and organizer of the first conference in 1969 in Brussels. Francois always emphasized that the backbone of the IPMI meetings should be promising young and active researchers rather than established scientists in the field. As an appreciation of this idea, and in thankful remembrance of Francois' stimulating work, the IPMI-board has taken the initiative to present the Francois Erbsmann prize for the most significant contribution to the conference by a young investigator.

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